Industry clouds are rapidly becoming the hottest segment of the high-growth enterprise-cloud business as Microsoft has made a full commitment to vertical solutions.

Our friends at Cloudwars has ranked these leaders:

  • Microsoft has recently introduced new industry clouds for Manufacturing, Financial Services, and Nonprofits
  • Google Cloud was the first of the major cloud players to jump into industry-specific solutions, a key component of CEO Thomas Kurian’s strategy
  • Salesforce has a handful of industry clouds but has not–at least not yet–made them a high-profile part of its business
  • SAP is rolling out a massive effort around its Industry Cloud that will span 20+ industries
  • Oracle is aggressively fusing the capabilities of its traditional LOB SaaS apps with its substantial roster of industry-specific apps
  • ServiceNow has been intensifying its vertical-market approaches under CEO Bill McDermott
  • IBM recently launched an purpose built cloud for banks, and says it will be doing more industry clouds

To see where they rank these leader currently, visit

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Published On: March 9th, 2021 / Categories: Industry news / Tags: , , , , , , /

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